Monday, May 19, 2014

Relaunch of The Chic Counsel

Well, hello again! Okay... I suppose that I owe you an explanation as to where I've been for the past few months. I'm not one for excuses, so I'll just level with you. I adore fashion, beauty, cooking, finding new adventures...I could go on and on, but amid indulging in these activities and interests that I love so much, real life comes into play. I've taken a step back and looked at my life, my goals and what I want for myself, and you know what? I was a little disappointed in myself because I noticed that I don't invest enough time in what interests me or challenges me.

So that leads me here to The Chic Counsel relaunch. Back in 2013 when I first started blogging, I thought of this space as purely a beauty and fashion focused outlet, but I want The Chic Counsel to be more of a portrait of myself and the things that I experience and enjoy, so that means more lifestyle pieces where I'll explore a myriad of topics like cooking, design, and relationships. Don't get me wrong... beauty and fashion are still a very large part of who I am and that's not going anywhere! We'll just have the chance to connect on some new topics now.

Along with this new direction is a new look, which I'm very excited about! The design of The Chic Counsel is much more streamlined and simple so that you can easily navigate the blog, talk to me and other readers through DISQUS comments and enjoy the photography in a larger format. I'd love to know what you think of the new look!

Lastly, I'll close with some exciting news about what's been going on in my life over the past few months. My college sweetheart, Colinn and I are engaged after 8 years of dating! I'm beyond excited and cannot wait to spend the rest of my life with this incredible man. We even have a new addition to our little, not that kind! We adopted an English Bulldog named Dutchess (misspelled intentionally). She's a rambunctious and adorable ball of happiness.

With that, I'll leave you with a few pictures, but please, check back regularly and look for new posts every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Until next time -- XO

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